Monday, September 29, 2008

My New Cradle

Avalyn loved her cradle so much that she wanted her picture taken in it. :)

Sunday, September 28, 2008

A Day of Visitors

Grammy and Grandpa came to visit in the morning. They brought the cradle that Grandpa Greg made. Avalyn loves her new cradle and slept GREAT in it!!! Her mommy and daddy think the cradle is BEAUTIFUL!!! After lunch Great Grandma and Grandpa Hoke came to visit. They brought Avalyn a cute hat, jacket, and mittens.


Avalyn had to go into the hospital last Saturday. Her biliruben count was at a 19. She had to sleep under bili lights. They looked kind of like tanning bed lights.

More Visitors

Great Grandma Wanda, Dale and Grandpa Mark come to visit.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Picture Tme

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Avalyn has started hiccuping a couple times a day. Her hiccups sound like a frog's "rib-bits." It is SO cute!!!

Great Grandma, Great Grandpa, and Great Uncle Bill come to visit

Great Grandma and Avalyn
Great Uncle Bill and Avalyn
FOUR GENERATIONS!!! Great Grandma, Grandma, Mommy, and Avalyn
Avalyn really wanted to wear Great Uncle Bill's Cubs Hat. I think she even said go Cubs in her sleep last night :)

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Bunnies and Smiles

Avalyn's First Bath

Avalyn LOVED her first bath!!! She just layed there and splashed her little feet in the water. :)

Monday, September 22, 2008

Avalyn Blowing Bubbles

Going Home

Avalyn in her "going home outfit."
On her way home.

The Aarons Come to Visit

Friday night the Aarons came to visit us at the hospital. They got Avalyn an adorable little swimsuit with strawberries on it and a matching cover-up. Avalyn loved seeing her godmother, Jodi.

Avalyn Corine DeKeyser Has Arrived!!!!

Avalyn was born Thursday, September 18th, at 2:45pm. She weighed 7 pounds 6 ounces and was 19 inches long. We brought her home on Saturday, September 20th. She weighed 6 pounds 15 ounces on Saturday.

Overall the birth was easier than I anticipated. We arrived at Bromenn Hospital Wednesday night at midnight to check in. At 1am they gave me 1/4 dosage of Cervidil. They were planning on giving me the remaining dosages every 4 hours but my body reacted to the 1/4 dose and I didn't need the remaining dosages. Around 7am the doctor came in and broke my water. Right after that they started the pitocin. My contractions really started getting strong around 9am. Around 10am I got my first epidural. Unfortunately the epidural only deadened my legs and feet so I could still feel my contractions in my uterus. I received my second epidural was at 11am. This time it worked and I could no longer feel my contractions. Around 11:45 I fell asleep for a little while. At 12pm they checked my cervix and I was dilated to 5cm. At 2pm I was dilated to 9cm and I started pushing around 2:15pm. I only had to push for about 20 to 30 minutes and at 2:45pm Avalyn Corine Dekeyser arrived.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Doctor's Visit

Yesterday, I had my last doctor's appointment. I found out that little Avalyn weighs about 7.3 pounds. But that is give or take a pound. My fluid levels are staying consistent so that is good. I also had another stress test. Everything looked great...and I even had a couple small contractions during the test.

Tonight, Marcus and I are headed into the hospital...hopefully sooner than later we will welcome little Avalyn Corine into the world.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Suzanne and Cory's Wedding

This past Saturday, my old roommate, Suzanne got married. Marcus and I had fun seeing some of our friends we hadn't seen in a while.